Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : Introduction to computer science, 24h, L1, ENS Lyon / classe passerelle pour l'enseignement supérieur, taught by Guillaume Hanrot (autumn 2012)

  • Licence : Introduction to Functional Programming, 30h, L1, UCB Lyon 1, taught by Nicolas Louvet (autumn 2012);

  • Licence : Computer Architecture, 74h, L2, UCB Lyon 1, taught by Nicolas Louvet (spring 2012);

  • Licence : Algorithms and Data Structures, 30h, L3, UCB Lyon 1, taught by Nicolas Louvet (autumn 2012);

  • Licence : Operating Systems, 60h, L3, UCB Lyon 1, taught by Nicolas Louvet (spring and autumn 2012);

  • Licence : “Groupe de lecture” Error-Correcting Codes, 24h, L3, ENS Lyon, taught by Nicolas Brisebarre, Eleonora Guerrini, Guillaume Hanrot and Damien Stehlé (spring 2012);

  • Master: Numerical Algorithms, M2, UCB Lyon 1, 20h taught by Claude-Pierre Jeannerod and 16h taught by Nicolas Louvet in a 36h course (spring 2012);

  • Master: Formal Proofs of Floating-Point Algorithms, ENS Lyon, 10h taught by Jean-Michel Muller in a 24h course (autumn 2012);

  • Master: Computer Arithmetic, 30h, M2, UCB Lyon 1, taught by Vincent Lefèvre (autumn 2012);

  • Master: Approximations: from symbolic to numerical computation, and applications, ENS Lyon, 12h taught by Nicolas Brisebarre and 12h taught by Bruno Salvy in a 24h course (autumn 2012);

  • Master: Computer Algebra, 24h, M1, ENS Lyon, taught by Guillaume Hanrot and Claude-Pierre Jeannerod (spring 2012);

  • Introduction to informatics for high school teachers, part of which (16h) was taught by Guillaume Hanrot (spring 2012).


PhD & HdR :

  • PhD: Jingyan Jourdan-Lu, Custom floating-point arithmetic for integer processors: algorithms, implementation, and selection [11] , ENS de Lyon - Université de Lyon, defended on November 15, 2012. Supervisors: Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Christophe Monat (STMicroelectronics Compilation Expertise Center, Grenoble), and Jean-Michel Muller.

  • PhD: Érik Martin-Dorel, Contributions à la vérification formelle d'algorithmes arithmétiques [12] , ENS de Lyon - Université de Lyon, defended on September 26, 2012. Supervisors: Micaela Mayero and Jean-Michel Muller.

  • PhD: Adrien Panhaleux, Contributions à l'arithmétique flottante : codage et arrondi correct de fonctions algébriques [13] , ENS de Lyon - Université de Lyon, defended on June 27, 2012. Supervisors: Nicolas Louvet and Jean-Michel Muller.

  • PhD in progress : Nicolas Brunie, Architecture et réalisation d'un accélérateur reconfigurable à couplage fort pour processeurs parallèles, begun in September 2010 (CIFRE from April 2011), Florent de Dinechin, Renaud Ayrignac (Kalray).

  • PhD in progress : Julien Devigne, Chiffrement pour la protection de la vie privée, begun in September 2011 (Orange Labs - University of Caen), co-supervised by F. Laguillaumie (together with Sébastien Canard and Brigitte Vallée)

  • PhD in progress: Adeline Langlois, Foundations of lattice-based cryptography, begun in September 2010, supervised by D. Stehlé

  • PhD in progress: Philippe Théveny, Numerical quality and high performance in scientific computing on emerging architectures, begun in September 2011, supervised by N. Revol

  • PhD in progress : Serge Torres, Some tools for the design of efficient and reliable function evaluation libraries, started in September 2010, Supervisors: Nicolas Brisebarre and Jean-Michel Muller.


  • Nicolas Brisebarre was a member of the board of examiners for the PhD defense of A. Benoit (École Polytechnique, 2012-07-18).

  • Florent de Dinechin was a referee for the PhD of Naeem Abbas (Université Rennes-1, 2012-05-22).

  • Guillaume Hanrot chaired the board of examiners for the PhD defense of P. Lezowski (Univ. Bordeaux 1, 2012-12-01).

  • Claude-Pierre Jeannerod was in the PhD committee of J. Jourdan-Lu (ENS de Lyon, 2012-11-15).

  • Fabien Laguillaumie was in the PhD committees of Kaoutar Elkhiyaoui (EURECOM, 2012-09-12) and Olivier Blazy (ENS de Paris, 2012-09-27) as a referee and of Roch Lescuyer (Orange Labs/ENS de Paris, 2012-11-21).

  • Jean-Michel Muller chaired the boards of examiners for the PhD defenses of T.M.T. Nguyen (Univ. Paris Sud, 2012-06-11) and R. Lebreton (École Polytechnique, 2012-12-11), and was a member of the boards of examiners for the PhD defenses of E. Martin-Dorel (ENS Lyon, 2012-09-26), A. Panhaleux (ENS Lyon, 2012-06-27), and J. Jourdan-Lu (ENS Lyon, 2012-11-15), and for the Habilitation defenses of M. Mayero (Univ. Paris Nord, 2012-11-22) and E. Thomé (Univ. Nancy, 2012-12-13).

  • Bruno Salvy has been a member of the PhD committees of P.-J. Spaenlauher (Paris 6, 2012-10-09), O. Roussel (Paris 6, 2012-09-25) and of the committee for the habilitation of E. Thomé (Nancy, 2012-12-13), for which he was a referee.

  • Damien Stehlé was in the PhD juries of P. Lezowski (Université Bordeaux 1, 2012-12-01) and G. Quintin (Ecole Polytechnique, 2012-11-22), for which he was a referee.